22 April, 2011

Have I fallen in Love ?? Litmus test

For all those, who ask themselves this question some or the other time or all the time, "Have I fallen in love ??"
You can easily find the answer to this question by answering "Yes"/"No" for following statements/questions.
Note: If you want to answer "May be..", you definitely have not attained the right age to fall in love...so relax !!

1. You still enjoy snacks between four meals a day ??
2. You still search for logic in Bollywood masala movies ??
3. There is no time lag between a good joke and your frantic, hysterical laughter !
4. You still gaze at passing girls/guys and not stars in daytime !!
5. You are still considered hygenic socially/ you dont smell like a dumpster ??
6. You are trying to quit smoking/alcohol ??
7. Your friends still call you for parties and dont treat you as a street dog with rashes !!
8. You can still sleep 25 hrs a day without complaining of exhaustion !!
9. Nobody has yet referred you to a psychiatrist !!
10. The girl/guy you think you love, doesnt thinks of you as a complete loser !!

Even if one of your answers is "Yes", go through the questionnaire again, you still have hope to find more "Yes".
And if most of your answers are "No", then my friend....you were my friend !! May God have mercy on you :)


  1. Loved the flow of the questionnaire..Really took the nerve....And ....even played with the tricks as mentioned... and I guess what sometimes i felt i know the answer coz its one from any of the two options..and soemtimes i really felt like please give some more options...

  2. Anyway this Litmus Test really was worth goign through !! :-)

  3. point no. 6 : trying to quit smoking/achohol? if "no" then is it love and if yes " one is normal" ??? :P
    is it? or there is some typo??

  4. it says, if u r trying to quit..u r normal, no worries :)
